Windows 8 uscirà naturalmente nelle versioni a 64 bit e per manternere la compatibilità con le tantissime applicazioni in commercio anche probabilmente a 32bit.
Alcuni rumors ci dicono che Microsoft stia seriamente pensando ad una versione a 128bit. A confermare queste voci sembra essere l’assunzione nell’azienda di Robert Morgan. Dal suo profilo Linkedin:
Working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects. Research & Development projects including 128bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP, and IBM.
Robert Morgan is working to get IA-128 working backwards with full binary compatibility on the existing IA-64 instructions in the hardware simulation to work for Windows 8 and definitely Windows 9.
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